The Book Courtship Tag

Since it’s February I thought I would do the book courtship tag. Courtship, romance, February. Yeah you guys get it. 🙂

Questions: Phase 1 – Initial Attraction: A book that you bought because of the cover?



Look at all the purple-y goodness!!

Phase 2 – First Impressions: A book that you got because of the summary


Wolves of London

Time Travel and dark magic? Yes Please.

Phase 3 – Sweet Talk: A book with great writing



I love Brennan’s quipy and humorous style of writing. I enjoyed the double povs. I just loved this book.

Phase 4 – First Date: A first book of a series which made you want to pursue the rest of the series


Ms. Marvel

I loved this graphic novel series and was hooked from the first installment. I highly recommend you pick this up.

Phase 5 – Late night phone calls: A book that kept you up all night long


Snow Like Ashes

I loved this book so much!. I couldn’t put it down. Like no, I had to force myself to put it down to eat because I would’ve just kept reading.

Phase 6 – Always on my mind: A book that you could not stop thinking about


All the Rage

Important book about rape culture in a small town. This kind of stuff really happens guys. It got me all riled up. If you can handle intense subject matter then you need to read this.

Phase 7 – Getting Physical: A book in which you love the way it feels


Hero and the Crown

I have my mom’s old copies of The Hero and Crown, The Blue Sword, and The Outlaws of Sherwood Forest. They have that old book feeling. They are super soft and broken in. And they are my mom’s so they give me all the feels.

Phase 8 – Meeting the Parents: A book in which you would recommend to your friends and family

One for the money

I loved this series so much. I always recommend it to readers who want a laugh. I read them in college in the math lab (I worked there) and would literally laugh out loud. It’s easy and fun. Go read it!

Phase 9 – Thinking about the future: A book or series that you know you’ll re-read many times in the future



This is sweet little collection of poetry. Quick but sentimental.

Phase 10 – Share the love!!! Who would you like to tag?

Jasmine // Mia // Ali // Megan

I hope you guys are having a lovely day and enjoyed this Tag!


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